Wednesday, April 16, 2014

dot BAT

Startup Delay


START "" "C:\Mini zonk Server Queue.lnk"
ping -n 20 localhost >nul 2>&1
start "" "c:\Zonk Display.lnk"
ping -n 20 localhost >nul 2>&1
START "" "c:\2 Zonk Display.lnk"

Shutdown (matikan aplikasi terlebih dahulu, biar nggk hang)

taskkill /f /im zonk*
shutdown.exe -s -t 1

Static arp Windows7 gateway

netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors "KABEL" 00-0C-42-A4-9C-91

Remove driver printer

You can remove print drivers that are not associated with a local printer or connection using the printui.exe tool , in an admin elevated command prompt type

printui /s /t2

Be sure to remove the driver AND the package.

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