Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Install NetFX 3.5 on Windows 8 : Offline way

1. Open run (win key +r ) and, enter: cmd
2. Copy \sources\sxs\ from the mounted operating system build ISO image to dotnet35 or similar folder. For example:
 xcopy e:\sources\sxs\*.* d:\dotnet35 /s
3. Open run (win key +r ) again, and enter: gpedit.msc
4. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then select System.
Open the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair, and then select Enabled.
5. If you want to specify an alternative source file, in the Alternate source file path box, specify a fully qualified path of a shared folder that contains the contents of the \sources\sxs folder from the installation media.
example: d:\dotnet35

6. Go to Control Panel, select Uninstall or change a program, select Turn windows feature on or off
7. Check the box .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
8. OK, and done ...

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Remove User Account From Logon Screen

1. Regedit
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
3. Right click on the right pane and select New > Key
4. Enter the value: SpecialAccounts
5. Select SpecialAccounts that was just created and then right click on the right pane and select New > Key
6. Enter the value: UserList

7. On the left pane mark User List and then Right click on the right pane and select:
New  > DWORD (32-bit) Value
8. Set the value of the key to the user account name (i.e : share) and click OK
If you have more user accounts that you want to disappear from the logon screen, please repeat steps 7, 8

Monday, March 18, 2013

Show Hidden Shared Folder - Windows

1. Masuk ke cmd
2. Ketikan "net view ip_address /all"

C:\Users\INot>net view /all
Shared resources at

Share name                    Type   Used as  Comment
ADMIN$                        Disk            Remote Admin
C$                            Disk            Default share
Canon MP250 series Printer    Print           Canon MP250 series Printer
D$                            Disk            Default share
d1$                           Disk
E$                            Disk            Default share
E1$                           Disk
EPSON LQ-2180 ESCP2 (Copy 1)  Print           EPSON LQ-2180 ESC/P2 (Copy 1)
flash$                        Disk
HP Deskjet D2400 series       Print           HP Deskjet D2400 series
IPC$                          IPC             Remote IPC
print$                        Disk            Printer Drivers
prnproc$                      Disk            Printer Drivers
The command completed successfully.

3. Seluruh folder dan printer yang dishare akan ditampilkan. Untuk sharing yang dihidden, ditandai dengan $ 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Debrick E2500 : Recover Bad Flash

Schema Linksys E2500
Schema rs232-to-ttl
Ada kesalahan firmware dd-wrt yang tertera di untuk Linksys E2500, yang mengakibatkan router mengalamin boot loop seteleh kita melakukan upgrade firmware.

Sedangkan firmware yang berjalan dengan baik, dapat didownload di

Ketika terlanjur mengalami kesalahan pemilihan firmware, E2500 hanya bisa diperbaiki melalui kabel rs232-to-ttl. Solusi 30/30/30 dan tftp tidak dapat digunakan.

1. Buat rs232-to-ttl, alat dan bahan bisa dibaca dari schema disamping ini..
2. Sambungkan kabel rs232-to-ttl ke pin vcc, tx, rx E2500 (disolder ke board)
3. Buka putty, pilih serial dengan speed 115200, Open
4. Nyalakan power E2500
5. Stop boot dengan menekan ctrl+c di layar putty
6. Muncul cfe>
7. Ketikan "nvram erase" kemudian (enter)
8. "reboot"
9. Router akan reboot, kemudian tekan ctrl+c lagi, dan masuk ke cfe>
10. Masukan perintah "flash -ctheader : flash1.trx"  
11. Router sudah siap untuk di flash dengan firmware yang baru. Pada tahap ini, jalankan Tftp client (tftp32.exe) dengan aturan :: - Tftp client , - Hostname router yang akan diflash, - 
11."reboot" lagi
12. ...

Google Docs Website Uptime Monitor

A few months ago a colleague pointed me to a few blogs that were sharing Google Docs spreadsheets that offered free uptime monitoring for websites. Here are the original links that I checked out:
The original spreadsheet (first link above) allowed single-site uptime monitoring. The spreadsheet would email you at a specified interval (every 5 minutes, for example) if the status of the website changed. Another developer made some enhancements to allow monitoring of multiple sites and also to offer SMS reminders. I decided it'd be fun to improve the usability of the spreadsheet, so my version:
  • moves settings to separate sheet
  • moves sites to separate sheet
  • adds "Active/Inactive" toggle
  • stores last value var as sitename instead of row number
  • cleans up messages
  • supports additional sites without having to modify script's loop count
  • moves log to separate sheet
  • adds README with instructions
  • adds Send Email and Send SMS toggles
Try it out for yourself! COPY THE SPREADSHEET
You'll find a README sheet that explains everything. You will find credits to the original authors (that did much of the heavy lifting) as well as a changelog within the script code. I have tested this on 199 websites with a 5 minute trigger interval; it ran for quite a while before giving me an error that "urlfetch" has been invoked too many times in one day. I'll re-post when I figure out what the limit is. I believe I had it run approximately 14,328 times before it quit, but I'll verify.
UPDATE: I have found a page that lists the quota limits per service for Google Apps. The urlFetch action should, at minimum be able to be called 20000 in one day. So, unless my math is off, something is wrong. I'm looking into whether or not this kind of thing (website monitoring) violates Google's TOS.
UPDATE 2: I've asked some questions at StackOverflow re: the quotas and TOS. View the post
UPDATE 3: Just added a few bugfixes re: email/sms notifications.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

EXCEL Formula

Mengubah CASE secara otomatis
= PROPER() - capitalises the first letter of each word (like Title Case)
= UPPER() - forces all letters to be UPPER CASE
= LOWER() - forces all letters to be lower case

Menghitung waktu kadaluarsa

 - Jika BATAS WAKTU (AB) dikurangi hari ini adalah kurang dari 1 tahun, maka akan ditampilkan kurang berapa tahun , bulan dan hari lagi akan kadaluarsa
 - Jika >= 1tahun, maka akan ditampilkan "masih berlaku" monggo di ubah di bagian <1 , disesuaikan kebutuhan
-  sebenarnya kalau valuenya <1, makan nilai tahun yg akan dimunculkan adalah selalu 0 atau, malah nilai tahunnya d hapus sekalian? cuman dtampilkan lama bulan dan hari
atau kalau memang masih menghendaki tahun jg ditampilkan maka <1 diubah menjadi <=1

Monday, January 14, 2013

VMWare [at] Windows8

Not enough physical memory is available to power this virtual machine with its configured settings.

You must add a setting to the config file to restrict Workstation to using a percentage of the host’s available RAM.
- First Shut down all running virtual machines and exit Workstation.
Open the config.ini file located at C:ProgramDataVMwareVMware Workstation.
- Add this line to the file: vmmon.disableHostParameters = TRUE
- Save and close the file.
- Restart Windows.
If you are having this trouble and you have not installed SP 1, you might have a look at: